Step Two: Classes
Best for players who enjoy experimenting with different combat styles and dealing lots of damage. Warriors are diverse—they can wield all sorts of weapons and come from all sorts of backgrounds. They tend to act first and think later.
Magic based characters come from wide ranges of backgrounds and apply their magic in many different ways. Perhaps they use it in battle, for the betterment of other people, or maybe they use it to connect with nature, some sell their skills, making scrolls, potions and enchanted objects for a price. Some set their skills to healing the masses, others are much less altruistic. They are known for dealings with spirits, harboring secrets, and wielding great power. They tend to think deeply on the mysteries of the universe and can be introverted.
Lore Keeper
Best for people who love to role-play and enjoy talking their way out of problems. They’re a good class for natural-born storytellers and performers. Often actors, musicians, writers or lovers of knowledge and the written word. The Poet, the Historian, the Thespian. They are full of charisma, and drama, often extremely extraverted.
These characters uphold a structure of some sort. Clergy, Judges, civil servants, soldiers, politicians and businessmen full into this class. They believe in their system and actively work to keep it running in an orderly way. They often actively try to weed out chaos in their system and keep things running smoothly. Other times, they use their system and their knowledge of it to work it to their advantage.
The Knave are a strange hog podge bunch. They are often tactically minded sometimes loners, fighting from a distance and using the world’s landscape to their advantage. They are usually the first to smell danger or work out a deception. But they are also equally as likely to steal things, or fight using precision and planning rather than brute strength. They question morals, play the system and upset the status quo.
Defenders are those dedicated to keeping others safe, whether that be through force or arms or the biggest shield money can buy, They are often the first to charge headfirst into battle just to drag an injured ally out even if they may not make it out safely themselves
IN and OUT of Benefit
Traits that are In Benefits permanently lower the Experience multiplier by 1 Rank, as if the character had one rank lower in that trait for the purposes of buying the next Rank.
Traits that are Out of Benefit however, do the exact opposite. They permanently RAISE the Experience multiplier by 1 Rank, as if the character had one rank HIGHER in that trait for the purposes of buying the next Rank. Mark these on your Sheet with a “+” Next to In Benefit traits and a “-“ next to Out of Benefit traits.