Third Season
E1: Hello Spring
Spring in Tekom began warm and with warning signs of rumblings to come.
Savill, Scandranyn, Magnolia and Larg noticed someone singing Maggie’s song Tekom Home Sweet Home, while out having a conversation. They investigated to find a group of Bandits trying to quiet a singing hostage! The group had some difficulty with the Bandits as they had a creature with them called a Dream Eater. The captive greeted them enthusiastically, introducing himself as Orrian Firesong, a Meraki once rescued. But then asked them to return to the bandit camp to “retrieve their mechanical object” that has “Tekom” written on it. At the camp, the group had to fight more bandits and another dream eater,. Afterward, Orrian was happy to come to town with the group.
Group included Sebastian, Lilly, Gareth, John/Jane Doe, Leonitus, Naliatha
A Jadevir mob boss showed up to the Violet Atlanticus with a proposition for Eliza, Adrian, Njal, Mooraw, Arsy, and Clris. She explained that she had a treasure and needed a team to get into a guarded in a chamber in Tekom. She knew the location and about the guards and warns that the Guards are nearly impossible to beat on their own. Hidden around town were spells that would disable the Guards. The group figured out the puzzles and collected four of the five spell scrolls. Then they went to the chamber. They found that four mechanical golems faced a different direction and hit with a different elemental spell with a larger one in the center holding the box.
Chaos ensued when the group went to initiate the plan, but a stary shot led to Eliza shooting Mooraw instead of the Golems, prompting Adiran to believe Mooraw was the target. Some quick and desperate healing later, they strategically used their spell scrolls and stealth to claim the prize then defeated the golems. Once out, they returned with the prize and got paid.
Animal Village Investigation
Upon the notice going up, Zerus and Zenzi opted to check on the village and help it regrow, finding the Bear who was missing they assisted in putting the dead to rest, having found him Reaped. The bear was set to the fire. Gareth was sent to investigate, knowing Zenzi and Zerus had close connections there sought them out. Alaksa saw Bartholomew the rat scurry into Zeru’s workshop. So, she followed. Zenzi and Zerus, return to find Bartholomew the Rat hiding under a table, While Gareth and Alaksa had waited for them outside. The group stumbled upon the still burning pyre, with the shift in the wind, Gareth noticed a smell of burnt blood from somewhere else, underneath the furthest house where Hermit the Frog man had lived. His house had burned down like the other three. Gareth found a new scent similar to the large bug, as well as a scent which had been smelled in town. Upon following the smell, the group found the remnants of a Dark portal which Zerus eradicated the Dark ardor that had remained. Meanwhile, Gareth is following new scents and following the bug and what he decided was the field smell up a tree, back down to the location the portal was and proceeds to mark the area. Gareth found many things and attempted to open up a new portal to the dark realm. However, having not really known how it did not work out in his favor. Gareth found the trail again and followed his nose. Finding a piece of cloth which had the emblem of the Field with a Stag. The taste was not worthy of note. They reported what was found to the guard and were rewarded individually.
Kids Mod with Randall
Lily, Sebastian, Naliatha, Jane Doe and Lacy were suddenly met by a dark portal, coming face to face with Moros. He unleashed a few innominatam on them as a “greeting” for them. Moros stopped them after a while and then greeted them properly. His whole body is scarred now. He explained that everyone has it wrong about him, then talked about a dragon NEST. That he knows where it is but needs more fire power to get past the Nest Guardians. He offers to Recruit them to help him. Even offering for them to keep the eggs after. The Group noped out to talk to allies
Farm trouble with the Fae
Mooraw, Captain Eliza and Njal, three of the chaos crew, hear about a farmer missing and a farm hand begging for help with a nuisance, and hopefully to find the owner of the farm. Upon their arrival, the farm hand is at his wits end, stressed and frustrated as the mountain sheep which the farmer herded are extremely aggressive and would knock him down anytime, he got near. The merry crew waited as a mountain sheep rammed Mooraw and suddenly, a Bear was chasing the mountain sheep away as the rest of the crew let the farm hand go take a break with a much-needed bit of drink. The mountain sheep, a strong breed, fled the area and returned to the crew as a bear with horns. The Chaos Crew returned to the farmhouse to find the farm hand enjoying a bottle and a bit of a nap. After finding some coins and sending the farm hand on his way, they searched the house and eventually found something they could use to search for the farmer. Eventually, they made their way towards a stone dome in the middle of the field, surrounded by little Baby yaga’s. The baby yaga’s quickly approached the three as they wanted to play with the funny Bear, the viking, and the pirate lady out of water. The little fae tried, but they were no match for the destructive force of the Chaos Crew. After dealing with the baby fae critters, the bodies were collected and they sought back the farmer, trapped in a stone dome. The Farmer, having lost consciousness in the lack of air from the stone dome, was brought back to the waking world by a very enthusiastic Bear with horns trying some *wild* tactics to bring life back to the old man. After the rescue, Mooraw, Eliza, and Njal Used everything they could to convince the farmer that after nearly dying at the hands of those littler critters, perhaps life would be better in the city of Tekom instead of farming, at least right now. So, he left the farm and before he could get too far. The wildly persuasive group managed to convince the farmer to work for Mooraw, to run the farm, with the catch of being paid more than the farm had prior been able to make in profit each month.
Silver Lines
Savill, Scandranyn, Magnolia, Larg, were drawn into a mechanical labyrinth when Ori (Savill’s AI companion) began beeping and went offline. A Mechanical door opened at their feet where the entire group could then hear the beeping. Inside, they recognized the mechanical parts they had all encountered before, but much better maintained. They could hear machines humming and a song. They found a labyrinth of tunnels, one with a dramatic blood drag trail. Following it, they came upon Icu being attacked by the golems made from repaired mechanical golems and human bodies. Icu was clearly not in his right mind but led them to a consul where they were able to collect some coded information and a spy report on the fae war. They took him captive and turned him over to the Guardians.
Rescuing the Farmer's Daughter
Just outside the city gates, a farmer is hauling milk and other goods from the farm to the city of Tekom, some little Fae, had other plans. The guardians hire some mercenaries with a focus on healing, Alaksa, Gareth, Zenzi and Zerus, to help save the poor woman and help deal with this weird new threat showing up. After chasing down the Baby Yaga’s that were left behind having not been able to climb onto the cart, Zenzi trapped them in vines. The crew quickly tried to apprehend the little fae critters. They quickly found that the magic they used was not so easy to deal with. Eventually, the fighting stopped and attempts were made to talk with these little baby fae who just wanted to have some fun, one of which thought it would be great to take Zenzi ‘Home’ Eventually, leading Zenzi to a small embankment along a river, after clearing the tall grass and finding a quick fall into a shallow river, which happened to be just high enough to spell trouble for the little Zenzi, Zerus RAN back having escorted the poor woman who had been captive back towards the safety of Tekom. Alaksa, and Gareth followed after Zenzi when they heard the scream, in that moment, the two baby Yaga’s being held by Gareth, Blinked away and made their escape having learned that there was not much they could do to have fun with this group of party poopers and their friend gave them the chance to escape, so they all did just that. Alaksa found the shallow river as Zenzi had, by falling in. thankfully the water was not near as much of a threat. Gareth, after seeing the predicament Zenzi was in, leapt down and lifted Zenzi and Alaksa from the water and handed them off to Zerus, for mending. They all finally having dealt with the situation at hand, went back to town to report and check in on the poor woman whose cart had been hijacked by this group of Fae pranksters.
The Seneschal called a meeting of nobles to discuss the safety of Tekom. Obsidian showed up naked, wearing only an Apron Kit made for him. The nobles generally agree on protecting Tekom. Obsidian goes about causing mischief. Elsewhere Orrian Firesong, the rescued Meraki goes about making firends and orchestrating a party.
The Collector came injured into town. Drained of his déan. He was given some and taken to the hospital to recover. Many were surprised to find the Collector now had a replacement jaw. The group then decided to investigate the directions the Collector had given them. They found a cave with several dead miners at the mouth. They tripped a nightmare trap, then avoided another trap before coming to a chamber with prisoners strapped into a dream press. They questioned the attendant who turned out to be just an overworked cog in a bureaucratic machine that disposes of the Fae Court’s Prisoners. They took apart the machine and released the prisoners.
Zenzi, Zerus, Gareth, and Alaksa, were visited by a group of the Children of the Divine. There is internal striff among the group. This group represented a group fracturing in the Children. These were not happy about their brethren constantly getting killed off and Seren not doing anything about it. They tried to convince the group to help them with defenses, hiring them for shields and violence. Eventually, they go to talk to Seren, who did seem to be looking for answers and seemed open to suggestions. The group left after Seren promised meetings with the entire group.
Spies in Tekom
Captain Eliza, had received and odd note and sought out with the Chaos Crew, to go to Reimbold, and try and get some more information. Adrian and Mooraw, try to trick a blacksmith for armor, before going to Reimbold. Eventually they all make it to Reimbold and begin a conversation, while Eliza stays behind, Njal found the sparing ring and seeks to test his mettle with a Behemoth and a lich. Adrian, finds a garden of poisonous plants and gets lost in joy at the beautiful and deadly garden. Mooraw, goes back to the blacksmith, this time with the proper paperwork to request some new items. The Chaos crew plot and explore the encampment as the walls are being built. Eliza, finishes the conversation with Reimbold by informing him that the rumors of the Bone members being held in a dream press and having been taken to the City of Tekom and known to him are being held. Not yet knowing the full scope, Reimbold leaves the Chaos crew to their devices and takes his army to Tekom.
Reimbold brings an army of the undead to the gates after having heard that his people had been rescued from the Dream Press. Made it clear that the Bone solves its own issues internally and would never employ a dream press, then collected their members and left.
The Caravan arrived on time, carrying Dr Couver. He greeted town warmly, despite his strange and unsettling appearance. With him was his bodyguard, Adiran. Although not the Adrian everyone in town had come to know!
Moros kidnaped the entire tavern, except for Telma. He stole Raven’s staff. After sicking Nameless on the group to keep the staff away from them, Raven got it back and figured out how to portal and made the way home. Moros gave Naliatha her severed wings,
A farmer reported a weird sphere in their field and people they didn’t recognize messing with it. They clearly recognized the description as the implosion bomb and headed out immediately. The group of Field and Fountain spies first tried to talk their way out but turned to violence. In the chaos, Savill figured out how to Null dark magic cast on them.
Kid’s Mod
Led to the location by Bill, one of the workers of the General store. The Group broke into a well-protected vault. Inside they found Golem guards and a turning trap protecting a *pile* of gold. Among the Piles of gold was a statue of gold, holding an egg. The group assumed it was a dragon egg and took it, along with the heating element. It was then stolen from them by a dark mage on the trip back.
Dr Couver requested the group’s assistance with the ritual. He explained that while the ritual is active that other “unhoused souls” would attempt to take the Shell and Innominatam would be attracted by the Core. He gave them a Ribbon to make sacred circle and a Call and Response to prevent the Ghosts and Innominatam from taking the Ritual. “Unhoused knock at the chamber,” ”We hold the Curtain.” During all that, Dr Couver had Zenzi assist him in tearing out Lily’s heart and make a new Shell for Umbra then Resurrected them both. The Ritual burned away the Ghosts and Nameless when completed, and the group returned to town with one more sleeping person. They were told Umbra would need rest for awhile.
Orrian played a jaunty tune, meetings were had as was STRESS.
Part A) Zenzi attended her meeting with Jadevirs in Ferro to give them a “healed child” (Zerus in disguise) so that Merry could slip in and open a portal for the rescue mission. One Gremlin, Papa Redleaf, threw concerning information at them and was absolutely willing to work with the Jadevirs. Adrian made a sudden ambush and then there was a huge explosion.
Part B) Meanwhile, Zerus started the liberation of the Gremlin camp with the other PCs. When they arrived, they found the guards searching the Gremlins for a silver disk and a group of Gremlins ready to resist. With the appearance of the PCs chaos erupted as the freedom fighters chose that moment to fight back. One of the Gremlins sets off a Verve bomb with deadly results. The group was able to clear out the guards and rescue all the Gremlins then Merry *Ate* the island so it could never be used again.
Part C) The group returns to collect Zenzi and her brothers and found that the Gremlin’s explosion was quite a bit larger than expected, but Seidr managed to halfway save them by transporting them into the Between rather than death. The group found a way in by a pool into the Between where they found Nexus and two other Hungry Shadows, waiting on the Gremlins to die. They resurrected the Gremlins and left. Kit gave a light ardor crystal to Nexus before they left. Seidr rests inside the roots of the Summa trees.
Writing on the Wall
Orrian lead them to a place where he found a new hidden door into the machine. Orrian was delighted to explore and take parts of the computers. But inside they found some Fountain Spies trying who were also trying to recover computer parts. Once the fight broke out, Orrian called out to stop them and they obeyed his command, revealing him as a Fountain Spy. While the group was distracted with that, the Fountain spies Kidnapped Kit.
Obsidian, with no humor left in him at all, came into the tavern to inform Tekom that Kit had been taken beyond where he could reach. Into the Fountain Floating City. (Lead into Online Event)
E3: Rainstorm
Raindrops on Roses
Outside the Tavern, an Elemental Storm Raged. Pure elemental ardor poured from the heavens in chaotic swirls. Rainbows of storm clouds in collums high into the sky. This caused wild and random effects. Those present in the tavern had taken refuge from the storm together. Friends and loved ones in and around town were contacted and were safe, staying inside in other locations. Sanna seemed absolutely giddy about the situation. She told the group about historical Elemental storms but was more excited about the stories that Elemental storms brough rare components for alchemy.
Proper Introduction
From out of the storm an individual in armor, a hood and mask arrived and claimed to be Scorn, Scandranyn’s son. He was very insistent about killing Scan, but also extremely polite to everyone else. Scandranyn tried very hard to get him to talk, but all he wanted was to “settle the debt.” Scandranyn finally agreed as long as Scorn wouldn't stop him being resurrected. Scorn agreed, killed Scandranyn and walked off into the storm. Meanwhile, indoors, those inside watched on. Savill paralyzed by the storm and then strange magic after Scandranyn’s death. Zenzi and Zerus Resurrected Scandranyn and brought him back inside. Then the entire tavern was unsettled by Scorn's strength.
There was little time to dwell on that, however. The entire tavern heaved and shuddered as something large beneath it moved. The floor gave way to several machines. Some protruded up into the main area. Including one with a machine on countdown. Searches uncovered disks and keys hidden throughout the machinery. Three codes were needed to stop the weapon from being deployed, the disk held clues to what codes were needed to stop the sequence.
When completed and the countdown stopped, some of the group explored deeper into the machine. There, they found its power source, what appeared to be a fairy Bomb. They took it back with them into the tavern, where the Personal Interface convinced them to use the power core to power it. Telma named it Jarvis. Jarvis folded up the whole machine up, out of the tavern.
A final lone figure entered the Tavern from out of the storm this time: Sadir! She returned from her rest between life and death in the roots of the Summa tree. She used the power of the Elemental storm to hatch a dragon egg. She brought the baby dragon into the tavern to reunite with the living and to show everyone the baby. The group decided on calling the baby dragon Storm.
E4: House of Cards
A Pleasant day started out on an unpleasant note when Jervis glitched and directed the group to repair a part. In the corridors below, the group found evidence of someone sabotaging the machine. They patched some wires, crossed a chasm, collected the repair pieces and got Jervis back online. Lenden and Savill spent some time after word trying to figure out how Jervis works and some more about the machine.
Axel brought the group notes about some alchemic formulas. One for memory returns, and one to lift curses and the samples to go with it. The group worked together to decipher the notes and then discover the ingredients. After they then brewed up a dose for Kodiak and Magnolia. On the opposite side of the notes was another strange note with some form of a magic circle.
Telma was upset when she discovered her coffee beans missing- a whole weeks' worth for the tavern. The group began questioning everyone that could have accessed the store room. They found out some interesting goings on while they were asking questions. It finally came to light that Fitz had taken the coffee and hidden it in the garden because he’d been told that the coffee was bad for Telma’s health.
An unexpected and very large visitor dropped into the tavern- the Black Dragon King! He told the group that he was there to collect the orphaned dragon eggs and had ditched his court, that they would be catching up soon. He talked with the group, they told stories and in general had a good time. Some of the group noticed a strange magic looking circle hanging from his belt.
E5: Audience Participation
Ambassador of the Court of Fountains showed up in town. She claimed that she was in town to see if any of the other courts would be interested in an alliance if the Fountains abandoned the Field. She also claimed to want to know how the general people of Tekom felt about the ongoing war and the courts. She also spread around some wealth.
Spell Check
Seren asked the group to go investigate a prayer group that had gone missing. Believes they got lost or attacked on the way. Led them to where a giant bean stalk was growing out of the ground. And Dark Ardor Flowers growing at its base. Corrupted Children of the Divine attack the group, attempting to pass on their corruption. The corrupt ones will not attack/corrupt child wearing leis an PCs wearing flowers. Zenzi and Zerus took the darkness into themselves, restoring the Children. Azeala talked to the Beanstalk to find the sources of the corruption. They closed the hole to the dark realm and destroyed the dark ardor flowers.
Tunnels: ST Trever
Shortly after the lake finally calmed and the ship had calmed, the water level began to drop down, the ground beneath the lake opened up and the water and the ship dropped into the earth. Lendon was tasked with investigating the tunnels, how they got there and to help deal with the creatures and dangers of the tunnels in search of the ship and finding a way to fix the lake. They quickly saw that the tunnels had not been built with magic as the walls were not extremely smooth, they saw remains of tree roots in the tunnels, wound and under a great deal of tension. The further they traveled, the more branches they found, through the winding tunnels they search, eventually passing a campsite and having not noticed, walked on by. Eventually, they recalled it upon reaching the end of a tunnel and retreated to find a damaged golem with large claws for hands, clearly matching up with the markings on the walls. An emblem of the Field scratched on the surface of the creature.
Goblin Games ST Trever
The Goblins were excited for the Goblin Games had begun! They needed the young adventurers of Tekom to join as guests of honor this year. The goblins began with board games. After the skillful goblins had been caught cheating by a few of our brave young adventurers it became a true competition of wit and cunning responses. Next, the main event of Hide and Stab began. The goblins and the young adventurers took off to hide. Eventually the vast majority of the players had been found and only two had remained hidden, Gilly and Leonitius....
Calls were sent out that the game was done, the time had expired, the two remaining players were to reveal themselves. Leonitius had appeared from the shadows while Gilly remain silent. A new search began for Gilly where in time, Gilly was found, hidden under the brush of the forest. Gilly, had been killed and the core removed, a ripped piece of red cloth clutched in his hands.
Naliatha and Orrian kicked off aftermath with a duet. A strange, dark creature dubbed “Oni” visited the tavern. Strange and curious and kinda seemingly wanting to eat the children. He was convinced that marshmallows were a much better substitute. Zerus asked around, looking for Zenzi. Lenden alerted Mossberg to put together a search party, and all attempts by Nali and Azalea to track her beyond that, failed. Until Zerus’s Blood bond alerted him to her death. Lady Katherine, who was actually Lady Artema, Zerus’s fiancé sent a messenger, claiming responsibility for Zenzi and demanding him to come home. Zerus killed the thrall, only to raise her back as one of his own to gather more information.
A very injured Dryad- a Grove Guardian drug itself into town to ask the group for help. At The Life altar in the woods, they found the Dark Mage Moros corrupting altar and gathering the dark ardor with a strange device. Corrupted grove guardians attacked them. And a Shade of Zenzi was conjured by Moros and destroyed by Zerus. The altar had gotten a lot stronger. Plants grew wild in every direction, marred by black, withered blasted areas. Moros makes deals with them for removing the dark ardor, then tried to escape, but was cut down mercilessly by Zerus. The group finished healing the grove guardians and removing the dark ardor.
Goodbyes: ST Trever
Meanwhile, Lady Artema continued to torture Zenzi and created a projection of Zenzi in front of the tavern, taunting Zerus when he approached with others that chose to follow. She Killed Zenzi one more time before thralling her. Zerus killed the dark mages involved. Then he, Azaela, Widget and Sprocket gathered up supplies and headed through the portal after Zenzi and off world, knowing they will never return. The grove remains. Seidr stays behind to tend to their orphanage with a heavy heart.
E6: Glaring Daggers
Sunrise at Midnight
Annual competitions kicked off with a COOK OFF!!!
Setra joined the group, and picked up the name Tibi! She is the same species and family as Zenzi and the Zs. She carried with her an ancient past life of a Light Mage. And she’s ready to teach others. Deep in the night, the Rain started.
While investing the Posters that read “There are too many goblins” and investigating Magnolia’s stolen clothes the tavern was invaded by excited GOBLINS. The group soon realized that the infection was spreading. They begin to find an Arcane Circle Puzzle tainted with dark magic and started repairing it. The Spell broken, the infected Goblins returned to normal, confetti fluttered through the tavern and a note drifted down to Lily “<3 Tekim.”
Ancient Trials
Canoa started off the TOURNAMENT games with a speech about the dead and the death whistle. The Games honor Those who fought for others and those who never came home. The games commenced!
Orrian asked for the group’s help. He received a death threat for his upcoming performance. A rouge group of Null Monks and a group of mercenaries have targeted Orrian. They will be hiding among other guests. Early on, Fen will find the spy tube: “Friends don’t share it with allies, Twice fatal but only one death”
The attempt of course went sideways as they all attempted to kill Orrian while the group was protecting him. Savill had to suffer through Orrian flirting with guests while shadowing him.
Child Adventurers
The Child Adventurers were approached in the tavern by a strange, richly dressed man, offering them an adventure. Larg and Clris were on board, but when Darin showed skepticism, the man snapped his fingers and they were transported to a strange room with a glittering checker board. The challenge was simple: get one piece for each of the adventurers across the board. When pieces of opposing colors touched, the last child to move was made to face one of four Illusions, representing the allies and enemies they might find along the way of their future adventures: Haco, a Female Knight, a chaotic goblin, and Elmo. The children fought and played bravely. Darin relied on strategy, Larg on violence, and Clris oscillated between the two. Boldly, Darin challenged the man himself near the end of the challenge. He was met with an opponent who could reflect his attacks, and knocked him out with a single look. From then on, he avoided all conflict he could. Larg sought battle over victory, even beginning to rely on the revivals granted by their challenger to win the duels. When he declared this fact, the revivals stopped, and the duels became more difficult. This did not deter him. In the end, they won the game, with only one spare piece. The mysterious man left them back in the tavern, with an image of a Dragon’s Egg, and a promise of challenges to come…
One of the Sisters of the Children of the Divine had been killed. The Children were having trouble holding her Funeral-“Returning her to the light.” A Dark mage was trying to take the Sister’s power or her remains. Devora asked the group to protect the funeral Ritual. A dark mage spread corruption among the Paladins. The group had to defeat them and remove the corruption from them.
Orrian and Magnolia led the group through lots of fun and songs. Most everyone joined in on the fun. Many songs were requested and sung.
Twisted Tunnel Part A & B
The Foremans lost contact with the entire shift of miners. All rescue crews have also vanished. The group was asked to descend into the mines in teams to rescue the miners and identify what was happening to them. Scorn arrived and said he believed it had to do with the machine. He brought two specialized shut off codes. He gave one to Savill and kept the other, going with separate groups. He marked out where they needed to be in the depths on maps. And all the groups started their rescue missions.
Many of the tunnels were closed off with crystal growth. Along the Vein of Brass and discarded Items- machines- mechanized golems escaped to attack groups. They also found miners, infected with strange crawling crystals that seems to take over their minds. Both groups also had to contend with figuring out the locks of the security bulkheads that the miners had activated, trying to keep the crystals contained, to no avail. Along the way Alaska was infected.
Down one tunnel, past the bulkheads, an order sounded to “Execute the traitor” and all of the Mechanical Golems turned on Scorn and killed him.
Down the other tunnel, the group found Wrath, taking ordered from *Orrian.* They threatened the group and then took Savill with them when they finished the coding they were working on.
There was a sudden upheaval. Machine parts grated against themselves and rust that had held them in place for eons broke and crumbled. The entire party felt the inertia of the machine and ground around them rose into the air. The Darkness fell away in chunks as stone, soil and crystal fell away. The machine erupted above ground, shaking loose some farm houses and uprooting fields. Livestock scattered and screams were heard. Then just as suddenly, the machine stopped. A huge collum of machine now reaching as if to touch the sky. Those of the Tekom teams were left alone, the Fountains had escaped in the Chaos, taking Savill with them.
E7: Crystal Menace
The Dragon King Showed up in the tavern with a new friend! Artem, a newly discarded magical scientist! Talk in the tavern goes over some of the basics of the world, and its dangers. The Demon Merry Hell was discussed and Black warned that demons are always dangerous before giving the group a binding circle.
Drinking Buddies
Something went wrong at the quarantine on the mine. The Crystal Miners emerged and attempted to spread the infection, attacking in the tavern. Those in the tavern had to scramble for their weapons. Miner has the Impossible bottle, which had some of the Demon binding ritual and an impossible ingredient in it. Among things on the Miners was found a note with a heart and Takim’s signature. Merry appeared, in a new spiffy purple vest to offer deals. One for Clris to cure her crystal infection, another to lead Kodiak to information about a cure for the crystal infection. And still another to Clris to give up her hand in the ritual to unbind Merry Hell. Merry vanished as the group was talking. A healer from the hospital assured the group that everything was fine, that Canoa went into the Quarantine to help and that’s why some escaped.
Siren’s Call
Canoa’s absence caused another problem as Orrian is wondered into the tavern. His step was stuttered and his speech nearly incomprehensible as he jumped form one subject to another. Jervis alerted the tavern occupants to an error code “Unauthorized User,” and then gave coordinates for a “Block Code.” Orrian suddenly perked up, saying he knew where that was and headed off. The group scrambling to follow, both to fix Jervis and to keep Orrian safe. Orrian led them down into the machine with the confidence of someone who knows where they are going, but then also just wondered entirely off subject many times. Several traps hindered their way before they discovered a group of mechanical golems with intelligence and self-preservation instincts. Among the Golems, they found half of the code and a strange clear screen depicting a large monster. The second half was contained in a metal ball floating in the vat of ardor and the group had to recover it. One the way back, Orrian admitted that he was the hacker. Shortly after, while the group told others of the adventure and talked with Orrian about helping him, Orrian went catatonic again and had to be taken back to the hospital.
Young Adventurers
The young adventurers were once again contacted by the mysterious magical man, who told them of a treasure map that would lead them to the promised dragon egg. After getting supplies from the Goblin Market, the four reached the cave in which the map was held. They faced many trials, each uniquely suited to one of the four’s abilities. At the end, they found the map, barely escaping a giant Boulder that shut the entrance of the cave behind them.
Dark of the Night
A village man came to the group looking for help. He said Shadows in the night took his family and that the Guardians said his family didn’t exist. The group went to investigate and found a family living in the house, getting ready for a party. They discovered the group had three ardor rings among them. Things unraveled quickly as the group discovered bodies of the actual family under the floor, Savill stole a ring and then the violence started. Suddenly the quirky family became some strange, intelligent Innominatam. The villager joined them as the fight was coming to a close and started stealing the fallen fake family’s cored and revealed himself to be Takim- the dark mage- or at least a shadow puppet of him. In a panic, Scandranyn stole one of the fake family’s core before Takim could, which nearly took Scandranyn down- expect for it being nulled. Takim found it very funny and bowed out while promising to see them again soon. Once Takim had left, the group had a small moment of celebration as Savil revealed that they should be able to track down Takim’s hidden Cores and destroy him now.
A huge Innomiatam stalked outside town causing panic inside the walls. The Adventurers rushed out to meet it. The creature spoke, calling itself Death and told the group that it would consume all of Tekom. The adventurers clearly would not stand for that so began to fight it. They discovered it had an unusual attraction to Lucius and a very powerful bite. Before long, they downed it, but it did not disintegrate like Innominatam usually do. Remembering the strange depiction of a monster that had been found in the machine earlier, they brought it to the body, discovering two images on it now. The body raises to attack once more, but this time the adventures turned their damage on the Image of the Monster and when it fell it actually disintegrated.
The adventurers engaged in song and talk, enjoying each other’s company. Axel joined them to talk about magic with the newcomer and Scandranyn discovered a way to release the eerie feeling Axel caused in humans. Magnolia finally drank her memory potion to recover all her memories and the entire group collectively decided that Lucius needs therapy.
Following the Map the Merry Hell gave Kodiak the group descended into a cave that opened up into the mines. There, among traps they ran into Grit Marbelspine- a young trog miner who had been locked in the mines, avoiding the Crystal Infected Miners since the quarantine began. He was very hostile and afraid of the group until Arsy whacked him with her Power of Friendship. He told the group he knew where the thing they are looking for was, about legends he’s heard about it and how he had been avoiding the miners. The group found a group of sleeping miners just before the emergency box holding the wild magic artifact. They attempted to sneak around them, but alerted them once the emergency box was broken. During the fight, Arsy was downed and Grit used her to continue fighting. The group was able to collect the artifact, and the final pieces to Merry Hell’s unbinding.
Impossible things
Merry showed up to the group with utter glee. He guided them all through the ritual of unbinding. Each had apart to play. They had to contribute impossible things, form a circle and speak words of power in a call and response. Then Merry cut off Clris’s hand as the final ingredient and reveled as his chains fell away. Before leaving, Merry Helltold the group, he knew to defeat Takim- with this binding.
The sky above Tekom went through several changes, from night to day, color and number of moons. The group wondered out loud if it was wise to unbind the demon.
E8: Questions and Answers
Tibie, the light mage showed up in the tavern and warned of the upcoming darkness of Nihilies and the reports of large Innominatam nearby. Mooraw’s insanity was growing and she snapped Tibie’s neck. Thankfully she was quickly resurrected. There was also discussion of Tibie’s gear being vital to the machine working and therefor, what to do with it.
New Leaf
Masgroth the trog former warden, gathered a group for a rescue mission. He explained that the guardians were too busy with all the added Nameless activity so he’d been asked to gather a group. They head to check on a farmer who did not make it to check in. They found him being attacked by Innominatam and a corrupted dark mage. They defeated the nameless and dark mage and got the farmer to safety. Then they searched the farmer’s house, looking to see if they could find anything that would have attracted the nameless to him. They found locket and returned it to the farmer. Masgroth paid them all and thanked them.
Umbra brought the adventurers a piece to upgrade the range of the aura locater so the group can find the pieces of Takim’s core. The device led to a hidden temple. Inside, there were many traps. There were images on the walls, some damaged or destroyed. Along the way they found several bits of Takim’s core, stashed in places and they turned them over to Merry for safe keeping. They found a group of Takim’s followers. Lily tried to convince them to rebel against Takim, but they had been fully consumed and transformed into monstrous shapes. They defeated all but one who ran away and returned.
Kid’s Quest
The children adventurers, having retrieved a map to guide them on their adventure, needed one more tool to find the treasure. A compass, housed in a cavern of crystal, and guarded by creatures that would reflect how much they were hit by back at the adventurers. To add to the chaos, they found their souls were randomly traded between one another, forcing them to fight with each other’s abilities. Compass in hand, they are ready to find the mysteriously promised treasure!
Following the Device that tracks Takim’s cores, the group traveled through the maze of the machine tunnels and found a group of Fountains Spies fighting for their lives against an unseen force. They almost talked the Fountains into defecting before the unseen force attacked them, taking over the Fountains. The Fountains then attacked the group. Once they were defeated, the group noticed Dr Couver waiting to the side of the mess. He explained that Wrath has been sending them on missions to collect Takim’s cores and that this group had been hunted for a while by some unseen Nameless. They convince Dr Couver to pretend to be Dead to the Fountains for a while and Dr Couver brings with him an orb that he says has part of the Bard in it.
Raven’s Quest
The ghost of the unknown child rose from their grave because their doll had been stolen. Raven recruited the Adventurers to help her calm the ghost. Others had been awakened from their grave by the racket. It Turned out that Mooraw stole the doll for her growing baby. And hid it inside a body. Once the doll was returned, the ghosts settled down.
Darkness Moves
A huge three headed Innominatam stalked outside the city as Nihilies dragged on. The group leaped into action to attack it. With a team effort they were able to slay the thing.
Orrian made an appearance and partied hard. A child sized Savill followed Savill around. Lucius was invited to come have Nihilies dinner with the Fools. Andromeda, one of the Ex-Takim followers returned Lily’s babies and was taken to the hospital. Magnolia and the children performed songs for the group. Lily, Sebastian and Clris participated in the costume contest. In the Depths of Nihilies, Mooraw gave birth to a dark, corrupted baby that bit several people before escaping. Mooraw was then teleported to Null Island for care.
Kava Marblespine, a Trog that has taken over the mine operation hired the group to recover some lost miners. The Crystal menace has risen again and closed off some tunnels. The group made their way through the tunnels. Inside they discovered that the Crystal Menace is somehow corrupted with dark magic and that Takim can command them. They found Takim at the end, doing a ritual to create a “Convergence of all Magic.” With it, he Striped Lily of Dark magic and broke several spells before leaving. During the battle, Lily, the main healer went down and Amint was able to rescue her with a healing potion so she could save the others.
Alano, the Prince of the Dancing Court gathered the group and some members of the Dancing Court for a Fae Justice Court. It was chaotic and brought to light several different crimes and misdeeds, but didn’t seem to have a concrete direction. Scandranyn spent the entire time critiquing how the Court was handled. Then Alano revealed that there was a spy among the group that had tried to steal a Fae Bomb from the Dancing Court’s treasury. The spy was then quickly found and then killed.
A Golden Castle appeared in the distance.
The usual suspects gathered in the tavern for a fall harvest dinner. Around good food, some crafts and games, everyone had a chance to relax.
The young adventurers aided some goblin merchants with some chores in returns for mysterious enchanted objects.
A newcomer was brought to the tavern, Djalu (Da dja loo) of the golden castle. She explained that their undercity has been banished from their world and that their whole culture is infused with magic, to the point that their deals hold binding power. The group spoke with her about her death world home world and showed her around town.
The group gathered for merriment, food and games in the depths of the cold winter. Several interesting secrets were exchanged before a new comer from the Golden Castle that had recently appeared outside of town visited them. DjaeLu explained a little about their home and how magic flows freely there. They found anything non-magical very strange. They also explained a strange quirk in their home that if someone gives you their shoes, they become your servant until you give them back.