Season Two!

Episode One: Robins
The day in Tekom starts unusually cold and with a perfect caravan arrival. Seren pays the town a visit. He asks for help. The bandits (Scarlet Sashes) are raiding the cult and they have a vow of nonviolence. When the group heads out to talk with the Scarlet Sashes, they find that the Sashes have built a more permanent residence and that they have adopted some of the lab animals. with bandits. During negotiations, they lure Reimbold inside the gate and close it. Mooraw stealthed in with him, defending him when the fight starts. Once the Sashes no longer have the advantage, they retreat in every direction. Reimbold raises some of the fallen Sashes as zombies, but they only follow his first order and are soon loose in town, doing random strange things. The group searches the Sashes’ camp only to find that it had been emptied before they arrived and no one and nothing is left behind. When talking to Followers of the Children of the Divine, they find that the followers are confident in their protection in the wild from everything, but bandits and they are confident they will be helped with that problem. Reimbold also finds he can’t find Lenora, who Seren says in is the prayer group.

The kids confront a familiar bogart again and spread fairy glitter.

While plowing a new field, a farmer discovered something. But its guardians aren’t happy about it. The farmer comes running, begging for help. They say that when they uncovered the box a door into the ground opened, and metal men stepped through that won’t let them back in their field and killed their cow! When the group arrived, they found the machines in the field, all gathered around the box. They seem to be broken. Missing pieces or limbs. They attack the group as soon as they approach. Once they were defeated, they sparked back to life, rising again for a second round. The group was therefore understandably jumpy when approaching the strange box, the famer had dug up. When they cautiously picked it up, the door into the ground suddenly closed, starting an argument on whether or not to explore below. Adrian decided to use Doorway and slip inside, quickly followed by other others, except John Doe, who spent the time looting the destroyed machines. Below they found rooms made of huge machines, standing on the very cogs that turned the machine, and a laboratory of broken tools and burned notes. After some shenanigans, they found their way out of the underground chambers and back to the surface, taking the box back to the tavern to solve its lock. Inside the box they found a piece of a broken clay tablet and a note that begs them to put it back.

Episode Two: May Day
There was distant thunder then a strange shifting to the ground and a magical pulse. A few new potholes open up. John Doe and the Caravan were delayed by the potholes, but a new company of Guardians and a Champion arrived with it!

Naliatha has been plagued by visions about Ikarus. She took him aside to talk to him about it, but Haco, and 2 of the red sashes arrived and kidnaped Ikarus, the seer was forced to flee and report what she’d seen. Meanwhile, the tavern got to meet their new Champion, Mercy. As Ikarus was reported kidnapped, the town was attacked by Innominatam, a whole force of them. One large one causes problems. Mercy protects Zerus as the others fight.

Rescue Ikarus! Naliatha used Follow Fairy to find Ikarus, in the process finding that his sword was still bound to his father, not Ikarus. They tracked Ikarus to a camp where the Red Sashes were waiting with Haco. Adrian sneaks in behind and frees Ikarus as the others engaged in battle. Ikarus ran to get supplies and Daisy to heal the others. Haco will just not go down. Anzan and Haco face off and Anzan goes into dark mode, turning completely black and trying to kill everyone. John Doe managed to break through Haco’s mind control briefly several times by use of a potion and Ikarus freed him with an act of Love. The group licked their wounds, captured the bandit leader, who claims to have no memory of at least the last month and returned home.

The children encounter a group of goblins and make to rescue their dinner- a villager, then a group of frog creatures.

The shifting ground retuned, tunnels all over town were collapsing. Brassag explained that many generations back, they used to tunnel where the town is now, but those have been closed since before the town had a Namestone. There is a way to fill the tunnels. Brassage explained the mechanism and that the orb must not be touched. Cave creatures attacked the group along the way.  There are two tunnels marked as ending at the Tunnel Fill switch, but no one knew which one it was, so they spilt into two teams to find it. One group found instead cave creatures, pale bodied and blind, the mechanical guardians and a hidden puzzle box. They had to traverse a maze to get it.

The other team found more cave creatures and the mechanical guardians squaring off on either side of an underground river and on the other side, the Tunnel Fill switch. They had to work together to get the power orb out and to the switch.

Later, a Sorceress waltzed into town, straight through every barrier they had, unopposed. She was wearing a 5 faced mask and carried a shield that is an iridescent black dragon scale. She offered a deal with the players for the tablet pieces. The pieces in return for explaining everything about the ritual that it contains: how to make true Zmajin, not broken ones. She also seemed to have knowledge she couldn’t possibly, such as true names of those who’s names were last spoke on other worlds. She remained cordial throughout and then left in a portal into the dark realm.

The morning after John Doe had a small lamp for sale. When Clris peaked inside, it released someone else’s previous wishes, which then came true for those in the tavern. After much hilarity, they figured out that the wishes could be undone by speaking the wish out loud. Then they tried to figure out what to do with the lamp, but Buttons was upset that the others didn’t trust her to have the artifact, so she wished really hard that everyone would just forget the lamp, and so they did.

The children of Tekom fall under a spell from a Mother of Peral bauble they found, making them believe that they are the parents of the adults of Tekom.  The spell is broken when they can get the adults to tell them “I love you” three times. (MOD interrupted by storm)

Episode Three: Growing Pains!

The caravan arrives on time but missing a passenger. The Guardians were overwhelmed by Red Sashed Bandits who took a single passenger, the Dragon Scholar, “The Doctor” that the town was waiting on for Ink. The Bandits pass on a message that they are willing to trade; for the ritual tablet pieces.

That evening a very sick Ink crashes into town, wrecks things and eats everything in sight. He attempts to eat several children. The path of destruction through town has several people irritated. The group manages to lead him back to his enclosure before anyone is seriously injured. But his vomiting and desperation have the group on edge.

In the morning a group goes out to the meeting place to make a trade with the bandits for Saudade the Dragon Doctor. They trade fake tablets made by John Doe for Saudade but are double crossed immediately as the bandits want to keep the pieces *and* the dragon Doctor. The red sashes defend their prize, but scatter once they were getting too hurt. Back in town, the doctor looked over Ink and gave some ideas to improve his situation and got right to work.

A sudden geyser of water floods the entire lower walled area of Tekom. A Kraken wraps around the Violet Atticus. The group fights the Kraken to save the ship. Collecting mystic gems and fitting them to arcane apparatuses to subdue it. Once completed, the water recedes and the Kraken seeps into the Violet Atticus, now living there as part of the ship. They find a message in a bottle left behind with riddles on it.

The children of Tekom learned how to create a weapon to defeat their enemy the boggle.  They worked together to gather the pieces needed, wood that was struck by lightning, the pieces of a legendary sword, locks fae hair and one of Leontitus’s nine lives. The witch told them she would get to work on the sword and they wait for its completion. 

The children of Tekom realize that the answer to the riddle that the grownups are puzzling over is Ka’na’s egg. They play a game to test the grownups to get into their secret club house. When they got to Ka’na’s nest, the Collector was there and defensive and Ka’na was maternal. They tried to convince them to give up the egg, but she didn’t want them to have it. Instead, Sabastian charms her until they figured out how to open it. Inside the Egg was a riddle leading them to the Children of the Divine’s book of secrets. Ikarus got upset about coercing Ka’na which caused a few arguments.

Dhriti hires a group to relocate a delivery that had wandered off. Following the delivery’s trail, they find Red Sash bandits with an Innominatam on a leash. They defend their prize, but scatter when they were getting too hurt and the Innominatam got loose. Through the use of zombies, the group recovered the stolen goods, which were unlabeled potions. Dhriti pays them well for their troubles.

The group headed to the Children of the Divine to find that they were building up their tents into buildings, a stone defensive wall from the bandits and something outside of their camp. The group meets the Sister of Secrets, Leora, who doesn’t seem to remember Reimbold at all. She tells them of the test she was facing, keeping the book closed and not giving into the temptation to look. Adrian kidnapped her, pulled her underground using Shelter and stole the book. It was actually a box and had a piece of the tablet inside it. He fled while the Children Searched for him. Back in Town, a flamboyant Zmajin bounced around for a short time, stirring up a bit of chaos as he went.

Zombies shambled into town, into the tavern, bumped into things. Red sash zombies. The group tried to redirect them out of the tavern, pushed the shambling hordes out. The moment one of them got a hold of one of the tablet pieces, they suddenly changed. Jumping, running. They had some intelligence and fought with weapons. They led the group on a chase to a bandit camp for reinforcements. The group tried to recover the piece, but came back without it.

Episode Four: Merry Go Round

Throlgar and Pheonix rode the caravan with a Golbin merchant and ran into a pack of Innominatam on the way into town.

The Maiden Statute of the Well Spring changed position. The Acolytes were in a tizzy. One of them was missing. That Maiden’s hands were over her face as if crying, the group offered to comfort her, and she changed to a Dancing potion with grating mechanical noises from below. After moving through a dance, the Maiden moved to her final position with Cupped hands.  Pouring water into her hands opened a passage under the mystic glen to where they found a murdered mystic acolyte, coreless and experimented on. Clutched in their dead hand was a hexagonal cylinder with an elemental stone in it. Then the body got up and attacked them. It could only be put down by being hacked to pieces. Examining the space found that the chamber was missing something from 7 alcoves. Goblin Merchants and thieves have begun to spread around town.

Dhriti invited the Birds of Paradise, paying for songs, dancing and some hired protection for a lavish party she was throwing for some colleagues of the Cross Continental Trading Company. Someone was out to kill Dhriti and was giving her De dana da a run for their money. During the party there were a number of attempts of Dhriti’s life and a few successful, but thanks to resurrection and the quick actions of the group, (most) of the assassins were caught and Dhriti made her deals for the Birds of Paradise.

Strange Water creatures were washed into the water around the Violet Atlanticus from a mountain stream. The group was informed by some locals that they are normally docile, except when they have eggs and that their eggs are venomous, some float and some sink. They may not touch the floating eggs. They needed to get them away from the protective parents, so they didn’t hatch and take over the water system. Much water Chaos ensued. Buttons was thrown into the water.

John hired a group to take him on a trading expedition to Illos. They got there by Fae portal. They encounter a group of Romani, made trade deals and other shenanigans.

Seren of the Children of the Divine seeks assistance from some of Tekom. A few of their members were kidnapped by the lab animals. The group found that the lab animals have made a ramshackle village in the woods of only lab animals. They have kidnapped a carpenter to help them build, a teacher to teach them things and a healer to try to help their dead. They had several dead laid out on the ground in the center of their little town covered in their possessions and flowers. They were experimented on. Frederic Werner was the teacher. They were distrustful of human looking things. While negotiating the release of the hostages the group is joined by another who starts trying to kill the animals and group. The thing that took other’s faces was what the animals were so afraid of. Body Snatcher rumors then spread like wildfire through town.

In the plaza of Tekom the group assembled and a group of villagers were closed in by a magic circle from a Guardian as another ripped open body is found. Help has been called for, but the killer was still in there.  Much insanity ensues as the villagers panic, fingers are pointed, several people point fingers. Someone stealthed around, stirring the pot. Then the body disappeared, and violence erupted. Magnolia managed to calm everyone again, only for one of those killed in the recent violence do get up as a Coreless. Once that was finally put down, the guardians arrived and questioned everyone before sending them on their ways.

With all the troubles the town was having the Guardians weare spread incredibly thing, so Captain Dewbend hired the group to retrieve a body from the mines. But the group found more han a body down there. They found Coblynau, Green Bones and a key panel that was missing all its buttons, which were strewn about the area. They had to fight through coblynau and green bones. Once it was quiet, a thin, sickly-looking man with a twisted Eye mutation on his arm curiously came to see what they were doing. It was Icu. He helped fix Buttons leg and pushed an elemental crystal into it and with Naliatha’s name, he got excited about taking apart Zmajin to see how they work. He escaped down a tunnel when pressed. After getting out of the mines, the guardian Buttons accidentally killed came into the tavern as if nothing had happened.

Episode Five: Another Round

An Owl Creature called for help. She was hung from a snare. Buttons, Aelius, Haco, Naliatha She introduced herself as Sanna  Rulum- Arcanist and Alchemist, a friend of Buttons, and thanked them for the help and explains she was trying to get a good view of the upcoming Color storm. The sky filled with dancing lights and colors. An Aurora. Sanna read from the Aurora. She also told them she’s setting up an alchemy school.

“A friend who is false. A challenge and gold. A treasure within a treasure. Union to be severed and a reunion. An Innocent to be Rescued. Thieves of thieves are no thieves at all. “

News spread through town of a Jadevir Clan Armored vehicle arriving outside of town with the caravan! Apparently for a wedding?

Mercy called in Aelius, Haco, Magnolia and Darin for a favor. An Axe murder was loose and Aelius was indicated. 2 Bodies of missing Children of the Divine were found, hacked with an axe. One carried a health potion made by Aelius, the other had one of Aelius’s books and a fist full of blonde hair. The Axe wounds match Dawnshard. They find out that a few Children of the Divine go missing each month. They went to the Children of the Divine to find a lead. There, they found the Children are untrusting of Aelius and believe the investigation will only protect their own. They also find Roth. He claimed he found religion. But he was on edge. He summoned Innominatam to kill them and attempt to escape at the first chance.

> A local farmer posted help wanted signs all over Tekom because his farm was haunted by a Ghost Turkey. Gareth, Leontius, Eliza, Adrian, Naliatha and Lacey were curious about this strange phenomenon offered to help. Finding poorly made traps all over the farm as well as oversized rats and spiders began clearing the farm of the traps, using the body of the first dead rat. Soon they figured out that the trap maker and the source of the Turkey noises was Goblin Rogue. Even though Leonitus gave chase the goblin escaped. The party had spread green slime all over the barn (Spider goo) broke into the farmer's front door, and broke the farmer's chairs and table, smashed up his house, and caused a great deal of Chaos that they had to stay to clean up and repair the damage they did.

 A Tournament was held to commemorate those who have fallen in battle. It did not go as smoothly as it could have. There were some concerns of attempted murder in the first adult melee match. Adrian entered using only darts as tiny daggers and had to be resurrected on the field. A giant Bat somehow managed to sign up and almost flew off with Njal during its match. And Gareth attempted to make a “ranged sword” during the ranged portion! Halftime show was much fun and the audience generally had a great time.

> The Children of Tekom continued their quest against the Boggle. In the search for its lair, they headed into the fae realm where they met a Brownie with their Red Cap problem. After defeating it, the Brownie gave the children a cake that showed them where the Lair was and told them a sad elf could help them make a portal there. The sad elf and their life mate ogre were upset that their children were missing, whisked away by a satyr. After defeating the satyr they found that dancing their circle opened the portal to the boggles’ Lair. They experimented with how to get past the thorns protecting the lair and then returned to Tekom to get the weapon and prepare.

} Buttons, Zerus, Njal, and Arsi responded to reports of undead on the north eastern road from Tekom, aiding Guardians Dundee and Ash and Reimbold. They found unbothersome Ghouls that were relocated peacefully. Boneless flesh piles were found further down the road that melted away flesh when the group got too close. Zerus found that healing magic hurt them. After cleaning that up and healing up, the group found some giant undead bats roosting, and a fae scout. They were not able to catch the scout who slipped away while they were fighting the bats.

John Doe, Lilly, Sebastian, Pheonix, and Demolly were contacted by the Sorceress to retrieve a tablet piece. She gives them a location and explains she can’t pass through the barrier protecting it. She explains that it was hidden by “the other” dark mage, when he couldn’t handle the pressure of all the things hunting him for the piece. She promises them payment and teaching them in return for the piece. They found the location easy enough. There were Innominatam drawn to it. After dealing with the nameless tactically, they noticed a damsel bound to a stone in the chamber beyond the piece wearing a simple white dress and a crown of ardor. They decide maybe there was a reason she’s tied up and decide to research her before releasing her.

Nellie asked Zerus and Buttons to crash a wedding, Her’s. She explained that her parents agreed to marry her off as part of a business arrangement. She was not very happy about it and ran. Now, her parents are gone and the Jadevirs want control of her clan. She chose to follow her dream to become a mystic and she thought becoming an acolyte would get them to stop the wedding nonsense. She didn’t want anyone killed but wanted them to stop the wedding. She had a plan, a pin that held the power of leadership of her clan. But she needed Buttons to steal it from her brother, Zoland, for Nellie. Once Buttons stole the pin from Zoland, his boss (the groom and Jadevir heir) realizes he’ll probably be killed for the mistake and disappears into Tekom, followed by Zoland. Nellie then gave control of the clan to the next child and left with Buttons and Zerus.

} Adrian, Gareth, and Eliza were enjoying a meal when the sounds of Battle erupted from outside the Tavern. When they sought to investigated they found Fred and Lucifer motionless and Five Fae in armor and arms towered over them with hatred in their eyes. After a rather heated exchange of the Fae voicing their hatred of the undead and Eliza accidentally questioning why any would kill Reimbold's friendly undead the Commanding Fae officer sent his soldiers after Reimbold for answers. Even though they did not find the old man, they did find and bring 10 additional Zombies to drop motionless under their blade before retreating from the town leaving them with a message to swear off the undead or fight against the Fae of the Field. Adrian planted a carnivorous plant seed in Dead Fred and Gareth played with it before they racked the Fae. Adrian talked his way pas the war into the hidden encampment. Eliza got caught trying to sneak in and Gareth watched and waited from the outside. Adrian sprung Eliza, then convinced the Fae to initiate a quarantine protocol and start burning things before escaping. Adrian picked up a set of fae armor after conning the quarter master. Eliza informed Reimbold of it the next day encouraged him to go into hiding. And also warned Baron of the Bones.

A farmer rushed from the Dragon Cave to tell town that Ink has been captured and everyone guarding the cave is dead. Aelius, Haco, Magnolia, Darin, Steven, Zerus, Njal, Buttons, Arsy, Clris, and Larg armed up and went after him. The Poachers formed two lines, one ranged and one Melee, with a devastating magic grenade. It took quite a bit to fight Ink away from them, and then subdue them, only to find out that the Poachers were in fact miners from the town, under slave serum.

Widget contacted Eliza, Adrian, Sebastian, Lilly, Pheonix, Steven and Larg and offered to pay them a lot of money to retrieve the contents of a box. He asked to keep Buttons in the dark on this one. He gave the group a map to get on the Jadevir’s caravan while they are out and the password for the cryptex. And asked for its contents. The mark seemed simple enough. There was a storage hold full of Mechanical golems that freeze when the thieves move and move when the thieves freeze. Each was armed and if they were in striking range, they did. Pheonix used her knowledge of machines to find a weakness and disarmed them, rather than sneak around them. Adrian solved the cryptex and the group returned the contents, a diagram, to Widget and got paid. But they left Steven and Larg behind in the cargo hold; they were arrested for trespassing and stealing.

Episode Six: Color of Darkness

Unsettled (J)

Sanna comes into town, talking to people passing on tidbits and warnings. Rumors are spreading that Innominatam are gathering in groups and just, watching people and areas of plants have turned black in trails that lead to thin air. 

Tooth or Not to Tooth (R)
The Seneschal Eric seeking to determine how well he could trust Aelius, and Haco sent them with Naliatha and Leonitus to Illos to retrieve a package. They take Demolly along for training. Lurvok Skips them to Illos. On arriving they saw a strange rainbow-colored glow surrounding the city. As they passed through it, it turned green. This triggered physical sensations that brought happy feelings (for example warm shower, first love, kids, etc..) and set them off course about a mile or two. Heading to Illos on foot they met a series of goblins. First a goblin potion seller with potions that made you feel good. No one brought any despite the goblin trying. Next, they came upon an assasin goblin who attacked Demolly. Haco and Aelius took care of the goblin. And Aelius tested the poison on the blade by licking it, causing an allergic reaction. Then a Goblin healer. Their bandages caused an allergic reaction like Poison Ivy. As soon as they chased the goblin healer away another goblin dressed all in black with a keg strapped to his back came running at the party. When the keg was struck by Haco it exploded. This keg caused damage to Aelius and Haco and killed the goblin. A very small strange purple goblin was the next encounter.
The purple goblin seemed to take no damage until Demolly used poison and the goblin died. When the last goblin was killed the party saw a goblin-like humanoid with orange skin and a blue nose, studying them from afar. It was there one moment then disappeared. At that point, a patrol from Illos arrived and searched them, then escorted them to the seneschal with their message and to get Eric's package. Which was a set of false wooden teeth. The seneschal let them read from the library. The return home was uneventful. The package was delivered, and payment was received.

Scroll (J)
John Doe acquired a scroll baring an image of the Damsel in the cave they discovered the previous event. He showed it to Lily and Sebastian. Together they figure out that there is an ingredients list on the page. As they approached, they saw areas of vegetation had turned black. They gathered all the ingredients and took them to the cave and the spell released the Damsel. Once she was released, she shed her white dress in favor of bone armor. She thanked them, called Innominatam and left through a dark portal.

In the Depths (J)
The mechanical tunnels below Tekom are changing. Machines move and whirr and a new door opened in town. Widget excitedly shows Zenzi, Zerus, Magnolia and Darin. Inside a creepy tune played like the inside of a music box. It opened into entirely new chambers that none of them had explored before. There were Mechanical golems within and flowing black goo. The Mechanicals moved in strange, disjointed ways and sang a little tune before they attacked, “Long and dark is the night. We'll stay by you, stand and fight.” Once dispatched, the group discovered that Widget was nowhere to be found, instead they found Zolland, who taunted them, told them secrets about the chambers, offered Magnolia her father’s journal and then escaped through the machinery as the room began to fill with the black goo filled with dark magic.

Who Dun It (T)
The Guardians begrudgingly have no idea what happened to the Summa trees so they asked Adrian, one of the only druids they could find to get some clues as to what happened to all of the trees. They hoped that Captain Eliza might be able to keep Adrian in check and on track, and brough Larg along, just in case. Eliza and Adrian are distracted by a loose horse looking for sugar and oats. The horse herder asked for help riding him of the nuisance horse. The horse is killed and Eliza, gathers the blood from the horse and bark from the tree to track the missing branches. They are stalled by the Troll baker until commotion erupts from carnivorous plant rising from where the horse was. The Herder and the weeping woman rush off to find more guardians. Larg kills the Carnivorous plant, and Adrian attacks Larg in return. When Larg drops, poisoned by Adrian, the Guardian approaches Adrian, becomes paralyzed and Adrian Vanishes. Shortly after, the Summa Tree's Branches begin regrowing. After stabilizing Larg, Eliza and the Guardian leave Larg to the Hospital staff then head back to the Baker’s house where the tracking spell brought them. Smelling Rot, the Guardian kicked in the door to investigate, followed by Eliza. They find a shrine consisting of pieces of the real troll baker and a trap door leading into tunnels underneath the house. After a pair of intersections and lack of supplies they opt to turn back and return to town. Meanwhile, Adrian is nowhere to be found.

Haunted Castle -Kids Mod (R)
The children were transported back to the thorns surrounding a castle bathed in green flames. Having learned that healing magic made the thorns shrink, they cleared the path to the castle. The thorns fired barbs at the children forcing the children to run for safety. They stopped to heal before entering the castle. They entered a silent creepy castle and went from room to room. Every five minutes a chime could be heard, and the lights changed colors, with the color change, came emotion changed. This caused the children to experience feelings of fear, danger, caution, and doubt. They fought their way through the grand ballroom filled with oozes and to a dining room where Lacey and Poppy were the only children to eat the food to have a long talk with a ghostly woman. The rest journeyed into a jail where a face in a bowl stole Daren's face and a ghost appeared with his face. Danny tried to steal it from the ghost and lost his face to Daren. Daren said, "Oh no I am ugly.” By stealing the bowl everyone's faces went back to normal. When the bowl vanished Lacey and Poppy returned. A monster on a balcony attacked them while they tried to unlock the next door. In a gaming room there was a puzzle on the table that split the children into three different groups. Each group was haunted by a banshee until they escaped her room. They came upon a hallway with a porcelain doll who called out to them to help her find her eyes. Princess Poppy and Princess Lacey took the eyes from a doll they had and gave them to the Doll. She put the eyes in and was happy. She opened her new eyes and the kids vanished to end up in a room with a statue with bullets in its hand that the children had lost. The sword Danny left behind was not there, instead a strange red bullet in its place which Daren kept. The kids ended up at a door that asked them to find its lost gun. Princess Poppy found the lost gun and the children then reached the tower where they learned that they learned the secrets of the Boggle and then they planned to battle it one more time to defeat it once in for all.

Fae of the Field (T)
Fae approached Adrian by tracking the armor. They let Adrian keep the armor piece (or what’s left of it) in exchange for helping the plants grow back over dead and rot. Details left to come, Adrian seeks to learn dark magic and dark earth magic.

Zerus, gets approached by the Fae popping in and out of portals. They come to an accord, don't assist the Bone Court or legion and don't harm the living and Zerus can continue to exist. Buttons/Zenzi begins to seek out the Fae of the field.

Color of Dark (J)
The darkness of Nihilles swallowed the town and the festivities began. The summa trees lit up the night as usual. But then, screaming erupted in the town center. A dark portal opened in town, spilling forth Innominatam. The very ground darkens and plants wither. The Summa trees dim, struggling against the darkness as the town fought against first smaller Innominatam and then a huge one that poured out of the portal. Upon its death, the light from Summa tress fully went out.

The Damsel confronts the group in the darkness, the glow of her ardor crown, the only light for in the darkness. As the tense exchange continued, it came to light that the damsel is Summa, of the Summa trees’ legend, turned Dark Mage by the pain of having been held captive for so long. Magnolia helps re-light hope within her by singing a song about the hope of Summa trees. The lights of the trees returned, and Summa promised to return next year as she left through a dark portal.

Prize (J)
Axel went to Haco, Aelius, Demolly and Naliatha and explained that he knows where there is another tablet piece. He led them into another part of the mechanical labyrinth Beneath Tekom. The first room has a switch for each of them that must be pushed at the same time. “Step in together, unlock together, enter together.” It lowered a platform into the mechanical tunnels. The second room was filled with mechanical golems. Looking at them made the group revisit their worst nightmares. “Blind may move, curious will fall to nightmares.” So, the group closed their eyes and pushed through blindly. In the final room, the way is blocked by mechanical golems with treasures in their hands. “Dance with the temptation of reward.” They took the hands of the golems and turned with them to where the tablet was held. Haco grabbed it and the mechanical golems attacked. They posed quite a threat to the group, downing several party members several times as Aelius, Demolly and even Axel raced in circles to raise everyone before they escaped with the prize. Once outside Aelius took the piece out of himself with some unexpected consequences. Leaving a single piece remaining.

Mines (T)
Diana was heard trying to take care of her 'Child' an orphan from town. Doe recognized the child as an orphan approached the woman and sought to help the child get away, Sebastian helped. The commotion drew the attention of the guardians, who having dealt with Diana before, took her home and put her to bed, hoping she would sleep it off. However, the sound of ghostly childlike laughter drew the attention of Doe, who followed the sound while Sebastian and Lily spoke with the guardian. Doe, moving ahead, found a small hole in the mines which was hidden in a small shadowy spot. Upon crawling in, Doe found children's toys and the body of the first child. Doe called with the Help of a messenger pigeon to Sebastian and Lily. Sebastian, began marking their path on the ground and walls. Meanwhile, Gareth followed his nose down into the tunnels too. There were chunks missing from the Child and creepy child’s laughter echoed down the tunnel. They explored deeper. They found burrows and Sebastian noticed a small single eyed critter with thin arms and legs chittering, watching them, staying out of the light. The group found a few more bodies that the animals were munching on. Sebastian counted nearly 100 critters and rejoined the group. The group decided to leave the nest alone and continued down the path, However, a small pack of the critters found Them anyway. They were numerous, but not a threat. Continuing on, the Childs laughter, turned into cries of a mother’s sorrow. They came upon the room where Diana knelt, the rotting corpse of her son in her arms, the ghost child no longer playing, but trying to comfort his poor mother. After brief deliberation, Gareth went to get more guardians and the Seneschal. Lily, Doe, and Sebastian tried to comfort the woman then put her to 'sleep' and passed the problem to the Seneschal.

Reimbold's Escape (T)
The Fae of the Field arrive at Tekom searching out the Old man necromancer of Tekom, the General of the Bone Legion they call him. Reimbold seeks out help to escape, asking Zerus, Buttons, Magnolia, and Darin. Zerus declines to keep from himself becoming a target, but the rest of them seek to assist. Reimbold uses a potion to go invisible while Buttons and Magnolia help guide him out. They find themselves face to face with Fenrir, A Fae dressed in his military outfit with a Shield showing the Rolling hills, a rising sun, and a Stag. The Fae and the group begin a conversation while the fae search the town following every hint that the group drops. Eventually, they come to an agreement to leave each other be, unless the Fae begin causing damage to property after confirming that they are not after the Empresses citizens. The Fae find Reimbold's shop and search it. Darin hides and follows them, watching as they find Bartok and find the ghouls. The Fae get ready to tear up the shop in search of more but the group approached. With a fight near the Fae begin to talk their way out. Then Bartok Swoops down, the Fae follow. A few remain hidden, watching and waiting. Reimbold, speaks up a final time before leaving the town. Axel, meets with Buttons and Ivory to offer assistance at Reimbold's Request, he’ll keep running Reimbold’s shop. The group has some requests for him.

Quiet on the Farm (J)
Maximilian Olsen, a guardian, hired Eliza, Mooraw and Larg to help with an investigation of Local farm animals behaving strangely. They have turned vampiric and are feeding on the villagers. They also are speaking, asking for blood and other creepy things. Larg quickly got downed by the animals when he came to them too aggressively. Mooraw learned that Null does not stop dark magic. They subdue and then heal the animals after Maximilian removed the dark magic from them. Maximilian cheerfully tells the group that at least they proved none of them are dark mages when they return and paid them for their services.

Online Event: Bargains (J)

The Red Sashes, at first lead by “Notco” the Doppelganger who revealed himself to be Kaeran, moved a huge force of soldiers into Tekom and begin Bargaining for the Ritual Tablet pieces. Zenzi slipped in behind the lines and found many disconcerting things. Negotiations broke down and an elder Vampire, Grayson Duskwright revealed himself to be the puppeteer behind the Red Sashes and in control of Axel. Violence erupted. Zenzi messed up the Red Sashes from behind their lines with Sedir’s help teleported out their captives. Aelius and Haco faced the problem head on, joined by the support of Magnolia and then Sebastian and Lily. Zerus took an entirely different approach and broke Grayson’s control of Axel. The Red Sashes were overcome, some retreated, but their army was broken.

Episode Seven: Geeksgiving

The Harvest Feast commences with much joy, games, laughter, and friends. Much food is served as everyone brings a dish to be served communally. The children of Tekom go fight a Boggle. Reimbold returns, but younger and straighter backed (although not exactly young either!) Obsidian, a Zmajin of the Dragon court arrives to represent the Dragon Court in alliance with the Bone Court (and to stir up trouble and give Reimbold a heart attack.) The festivities of the night are cut short when winter comes to visit IRL.

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