Experience Points
Every game grants 1 Experience Point for Attendance and 1 Experience Point for completing the each NPC shift. Quests have variable amounts of Experience Points available, but generally between 1 and 3. Storytellers may also award additional Experience for good roleplaying, problem solving, achievements or something important to the character.
Spending EXP
Generally, a player will fill out Desires sheet between sessions and before their first session that explain what they are interested in getting out of the game and what they would like to work on. This will also have a section in which the player can request what they would like to spend Experience points on. The Storyteller has the final say on if a player has the ability to or the time to gain what they are attempting to spend Experience on, but it should be logical.
* Players may also be able to spend Experience during game in rare situations at Storyteller discretion.
Leveling Up
A Character Gains a Level when they have gained Experience Points equal to 10 times their current level.
A character’s level is most important for the Addition to their Resilience Rating for their Health Points. For those with Special Abilities, such as Merakis and Monks, Character level also determines what rank of abilities they have access to.
Retirement! And Character Death
Permanent Character Death is generally fairly had to accomplish in Discarded World, as there are many ways to prevent death in the system. However, if a player decides that the character is at the end of their story, then Death or Retirement may occur. Talk with the Game Master about this transition. It may also be that the Player just has a character they would rather play. We are here to support you for this! We want the players to have a good time. Experience Points are assigned to the player, but levels to the Character. So when a character dies or is retired, the player will make a new level One Character, but they may spend any unspent Experience Points on the new character. From that point on, the character then gains Level only by the Experience Points they gain.