Skill Check
Whenever a character wants to perform an action where one would be unsure of the outcome given the circumstances (Stressful Situations, Noncombat actions while distracted, Use of a skill or ability, etc.) they will usually have to make a check. The Storyteller will give a target number, if the character’s skill rating is higher then the target then the character wins automatically. If not, the player Rock/Paper/Scissor the Storyteller. In a Tie, try again.
Opposed Check
Opposed Checks are most commonly done when two characters are actively trying to keep the other one from succeeding in something. Sometimes this involves the same skill (Such as two politicians using manipulation) and other times it involves different skills from each character. The Storyteller will call what skills are needed if there is question. If one Player has a higher Skill rating, they automatically win. If not, the player Rock/Paper/Scissor each other. In the case of a Tie, the defender wins, although the Storyteller may have to make a call as to who the defender it.
Secret Skill Check
When there is a Check that would not be completely obvious, such as there is something that would be difficult to notice, that they will not be looking for, the Storyteller may decide to make a Secret Skill Check. Players check 10 times before the start, perhaps before the Quest begins, Storyteller makes chart of those results, then, when the time comes, the Storyteller draws a number between 1-10 and uses that columns results. This way, it is the Players Check, not the Storytellers, but no one knows who succeeded or failed until the time comes.
Every player is given one Wild Card per game. Players can also earn Wild Cards from Storytellers, Staff and other players for great roleplaying, helping out or other acts of service that a Grad was not given for, or in conjunction with one! A Wild Card can be played during any Check to automatically win the Check. But its real power is as a Wild Card. By handing one to a Storyteller during a game many things can happen, all of which are up to the Storyteller. Perhaps it unlocks a secret room, reveals a plot twist or summons a dues ex machina. More likely it reveals a clue in the current story, or a hint in the right direction. Players and Storytellers are encouraged to use these to shake up or move the story along. There are lots of examples in all forms of Storytelling Mediums of this element, so feel free to draw inspiration from your favorite source!
Speech is a Free action and as such it is instant and can happen at any time during game (but not when the game is frozen). Alert others! Recite a spell! Unless you are unconscious or dead, make some noise!
The Combat system for this game is very simple. To Deal Damage make contact with a Strike of your boffer weapon against an opponent. Strikes are to be no harder than “half strength.” In other words, don’t go beating on people with all of your actual physical strength. You’ll hurt someone or yourself.
Armor, shields and magic complicate how much damage is dealt and healing makes that damage go away!
There are many reasons a player may not want to or be able to engage in combat, this does not mean that they can't play! In town is always a "safe" non-combat zone, protected In Game from the Innominatam by Name Stone which is generally marked where they cannot cross. Storytellers are expected to immediately break up any Player Vs Player fights, as are any Authority NPCs, as fighting is Forbidden in town. If for some reason a character would like to go out of town but remain Non-Combat, they must acquire an in-game spell to become Incorporeal.
Medical Sash
A striped sash, arm band or head band is worn by someone who has a medical reason to be completely non-combatant. Do not, under any circumstances engage them in combat. These sashes are usually for temporary reasons. However, they are also used in conjunction with Incorporeal to alert other players of their medical danger.
The most important rule - Hold
Storytellers will "freeze" game with a whistle (either with an instrument or from their mouth.) Players may sit down while waiting, but otherwise expect that action is completely frozen in place. This is used to handle injuries, weapon and wardrobe malfunction or disputes. Preferably the freeze should only last a matter of moments before being resolved. In the event that a player needs to have a freeze but cannot Whistle or does not have a whistle they may yell "Hold!" The storyteller should reinforce this with a Whistle for anyone who did not hear the "Hold" called. The Storyteller releases the freeze when the problem is resolved by calling out "Hold off in 3, 2, 1" and then whistles again.
Invalid Hits
Never hit anyone in the head, neck, genitals or privates (including direct hits to the breasts). All these are illegal target areas. If it accidentally happens that's why we pad the weapons so much. Back off and allow the person to recover before continuing combat. A Hold may need to be called. Be very careful of these areas as you can seriously injure someone, even with a padded weapon. Just keep your weapon under control and remember it is just a game. It's not worth anyone getting hurt.
Weapons must be approved by staff at check in. Boffers are foam weapons. See staff for approved mass manufacturers and approved construction methods. Nerf, and other foam dart firearms and archery toys are allowed.
There are two types of armor, natural and artificial. Natural armor is defined as armor that is growing from the creature's body, such as scales, plates and exoskeletons. Some species are born with Natural armor, other creatures can have “natural” armor grown through mystic means. Artificial armor is defined as armor that is worn, such as chainmail, which can also be enchanted.
Armor/Shield + Resilience= Protection Points. This goes "on top" of your character, as a defensive barrier. When a hit is made, subtract the Protection Points from the Damage dealt.
Work Exactly the same as Armor, other than that you are carrying it.
Armor/Shield Rating
To figure out a Armor/Shield’s rating, use the Armor/Shield chart below and then add the Armor/Shield’s base rating and its Material Rating.
Example: A Set of steel Plate armor would be 5+4 for a 9 Protection Rating ( then add the Character’s Resistance.)
Shield Proficiency
When the Combat skill “Shield” has been bought to the base level of the Shield the character is wielding, they may then purchase a Proficiency. This number is then added to the total protection points. It is specified what specific type the proficiency is with. Such as “Plate Armor” or “Kite shield.” Proficiency only applies to that specification.
Example: A Set of steel Plate armor would be 5+4 for a 9 Protection Rating + 1 Proficiency point for a protection of 10 (then add the Character’s Resilience.) In this case, the character would have needed to buy up to Shield Skill rank 4 before buying a proficiency.
If a single hit deals Twice the armor or shield’s Armor Rating, then the armor or shield breaks and must be repaired before it will offer protection again. For Armor, it is only in the location that the Damage was dealt. If the Protection was mystical then the enchantment has been broken and it must be re-enchanted. If the armor was natural, then it may be Healed as if it was a wound rated for the Armor points lost.
Some armored creatures are sooooooo tough, they just ignore a certain number of Damage in Addition to their Armor.
Example: Runar the Warrior has acquired Dragon scale armor, it has an armor rating of 9 and a Shed of 4, in combination with his Resilience of 6. His Protection Points are Shed 4, Protection 15. So he will ignore the first 4 points of any Damage dealt.
A Character’s Health Points are their Character level+ their Resilience Rating. Health Points, or HP can vary wildly from character to character. If damage is Dealt above Protection Points, it is THEN subtracted from Health Points. If the Character has no armor, they reduce the damage by their Resilience Rating alone. Health points also contribute to a Character’s overall appearance. The more health points, the Healthier a character looks. They may even have a “glow” to them.
Example: Luna has 4 Total Protection Points and 6 Damage Points are Dealt, Luna takes 2 Damage to their Health Points.
Once a successful hit has been made, now comes Taking Damage. The Damage is the Weapon’s Base rating+ the Character’s strength. The player calls their total Damage, that is subtracted from that the character's Protection Points, for the total damage dealt.
Weapon Base Rating
To figure out a weapon’s rating, use the Weapon chart below and then add the Weapon’s base rating and its Material Rating.
Example: A steel Long Sword would be 5+5 for a 10 Base Rating and then add the Character’s Strength.
Weapon Proficiency
When the Combat skill in the appropriate weapon has been bought to the base level of the weapon the character is wielding, they may then purchase a Proficiency. This number is then added to the total damage points. It is specified what specific type of weapon the proficiency is with. Such as “Long sword” or “Axe.” Proficiency only applies to that specification.
Example: A steel Long Sword would be 5+5 for a 10 Base Rating + 1 Proficiency point for a damage of 11 (and then add the Character’s Strength.) In this case, the character would have needed to buy up to Weapon Skill rank 5 before buying a proficiency.
Two Handed Weapons
Wielding a weapon with two hands adds stability and strength, but it requires use of both hands, preventing one from using a handheld shield or second weapon. Using both hands adds +1 point to the total weapon rating while using both hands.
Example: A steel Long Sword would be 5+5=10 + 1 for Two handed= 11.
Surprise Attacks
Sometimes combat is started by someone who catches a character unaware. In this case, the damage from their FIRST strike is doubled. They must Call the type of surprise attack and meet the other criteria.
* Sucker Punch: Sucker punches can only be performed while using small, handheld weapons such as knifes, or handguns. To successfully setup a Sucker Punch, the target must not be suspecting combat is about to begin, or be engaged in combat with someone else.
* Ambushes: Ambushes can be performed with any kind of weapon or ability, but it requires the character to already be successfully hiding in a designated area, and must be attacking someone in that area.
Firearms and Crossbows
These weapons do not rely on a Character’s strength, but rather their Perception to be deadly. As such, when figuring out a weapon’s damage, swap out Strength for Perception.
Finesse Weapons
These type of weapons rely on skill rather than strength to do damage. Sai, Chakram and Rapiers are examples. These weapons also switch Perception for Strength when figuring out damage.
Injured Limbs
If a hit is more points than the Protection Points in that limb, then that limb takes damage. Once you have no points left at that Limb, you lose that limb. An arm must be held behind the back and cannot be used for anything. You may switch your weapon off to another hand before moving your arm behind your back. If you lose a leg. Pick it up and do not put any weight on it and don't use the injured leg to move. *If you are going to fall, don’t worry about rules, worry about safety.
Hits to the Torso
If a hit is more points than the Protection Points on the Torso, then take Health Point damage. Once you have no Health points left, you fall unconscious. Unconscious characters may be revived with Healing, either Mundane or Magical by someone else. They may take no actions but might be able to whisper something theatrical. They may not heal themselves. The character has hours equal to Twice their Core Points left to live before they bleed out and die.
Unconscious Pose
Lay or sit down with a weapon or arm over your head. If you are in the way of combat, move just out of the way, but only as much as is needed for your safety.
There are many sources of disease in Discarded World. Diseases are Ranked. A character must somehow get the disease into their body. Common types of transmission of a Disease are, through eating or drinking it, coming in contact with an infected individual’s bodily fluids or through open wounds. Every disease has a set list of transmissions. When a Character is exposed to a Disease, they check the Disease’s Rank against their Resilience rating. If their Resilience is higher than the Disease Rank, they are unaffected. If their Resilience is the same, then the character Rock Paper Scissors the Storyteller, picking up the Disease on a Loss. If their Resilience is lower than the Disease Rank, then they pick up the Disease. Diseases erode the Character’s Attributes at a rate of 1 per day for days equal to the Disease Rank. Therefor, a Disease with a rank of 3 will erode 3 Attribute ranks over a total of 3 days. Eroded Attributes can be recovered through half their normal Experience Cost. The spell Defense of Disease can prevent and cure the Disease, Heal, Healing Potion, and Regenerate have no effect on Diseases.
If Double a character’s Core Points are Dealt in Damage after becoming Unconscious, the Body is unable to sustain life and the Character DIES. Or damage equal to the Character’s total Health Points +1 + Twice the Characters Core Points are dealt in a single blow to the torso or from an Area Effect.
Death Pose
Hold your arms crossed across your chest. Lay or sit down. If you are in the way of combat, move just out of the way, but only as much as is needed for your safety. If there is no one in your group capable of raising you from the Dead and you have another Core Point, you may choose to go on to the
Death Quest & the Graveyard
A Dead Character can make their way through the Death Quest to return to the Living and reform in the Grave Yard, Less one Permanent Core Point. Unless, of course, they have stolen Core Points, which can be used to pay the Toll...
When a character has been killed and no one is available or capable of raising them from the dead, they may embark on the Death Quest. The player will rise from the location of their death and head to the Graveyard. The way beckons the dead on with black banners showing the way. But here, in the space between life and death is where the Innominatam lurk, hungry for Core. If they catch wind of the dead, they will hunt them all the way to the Graveyard and in this state, every hit an Innominatam lands steals a Core. But, if the dead can make it into the Graveyard, the Nameless will not be able to follow, and if the dead still has at least a Core point, they can pay it as a toll to the Great Arch between the living and the dead and re-enter the land of the living. The Ritual “Portable Graveyard” makes the journey much shorter and allows the dead to return to the land of the living very close to where they died. This allows them to rejoin the battle which took their life. But, just because the trip is shorter, does not mean that it is without Peril. Especially if the battle is being fought with the Innominatam, who exist in between the worlds, they can simply pursue the dead from the battle to the Portable Graveyard.